Saturday, January 4, 2014

Install Crashplan on Synology NAS DS112+

There is article from authors of CrashPlan Synology version describing installation process (PC Load Letter). This is my version of installation process of CrashPlan to DS112+.
  1. First step is to add Package Center -> Settings -> Package Sources: PC Load Letter |
  2. Next step is to install Java SE for Embedded 7.
  3. Download manually Java SE for Embedded 7 that is suitable for you Synology NAS (ejre-7u45-fcs-b15-linux-arm-sflt-headless-26_sep_2013.tar.gz for my DS112+) and copy this file to NAS public folder
  4. Run Package Center -> Community -> Java SE for Embedded 7 "Install". If Java SE for Embedded 7 compressed file is available in public folder then everything should go smoothly.
  5. Next step is to install Crashplan to Synology NAS.
  6. Run Package Center -> Community -> CrashPlan "Install". After installation everything is in place and next step is to configure CrashPlan on NAS server.
  7. Configuration should be done from PC with ssh port forwarding.
  8. Run from PC command line
    ssh -L 4200:localhost:4243 root@<NAS ip-address>
    what will forward PC 4200 port to NAS 4243 port
  9. Change CrashPlan file (C:\Program Files\CrashPlan\conf\ in my case)
  10. Run CrashPlan user interface, change NAS server parameters as necessary and finally press "Save changes"
  11. Remove servicePort=4200 from file and configure local CrashPlan (folders to backup and so on).
There is another good article describing same process, if you find any problems during installation. There are also some articles with out-of-date information (specially synology wiki).
After running all these steps you are ready to backup your PC files/directories to Synology NAS server as you configuration describes.

I have added some additional steps (optional) to my configuration. In PC I have configured to run backup every day from 1:00 AM to 6:00 AM. In NAS server I have added these 2 lines to /etc/crontab
0       0       *       *       *       root    /volume1/@appstore/CrashPlan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start
0       7       *       *       *       root    /volume1/@appstore/CrashPlan/bin/CrashPlanEngine stop

So CrahPlan will run on NAS server every day from 0:00AM to 7:00AM.

Cron daemon restart is necessary to make crontab changes effective.

/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ stop
/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ start


  1. Hey Jack,
    Which synology community repo has got the crashplan package? I just have the synocommunity one at present and its not there?

  2. Hi Larn,
    After some investigation I find out that I use "PC Load Letter" version and their link is relevant for my version also. My problem was that I installed CrashPlan some time ago and after DSM upgrde to 4.3 CrashPlan does not work anymore. It was necessary to reinstall it and I forgot my Package Center -> Settings -> Package Sources setting PC Load Letter -

  3. Thanks for the quick reply Jack. I was a bit confused because I found the PCLoadLetter repo, but read the original article as saying to not need that one. Thanks for clarifying :)

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